When you start a business there are lots of things to think about , will it work, will it last, what am I doing am I doing it right, will I make money will I enjoy it…
Well I asked all those questions and started; I wasn’t sure of the direction, it was always changing, and I followed and I did make money and have fun, I met a lot of people and it grew. The one thing I did not ask is what happens at the end. Well I have asked now after 40 years what now. It would have been nice to pass it down the family line but that’s not to be. So here I am with a well equipped workshop and regular orders.
Classic Print is on the market. We are in NG18 5ES. Drop me a message or call 07973248976. I am happy to stay on (for a while) and hold your hand, show you the ropes, introduce you to clients and suppliers, get you a good deal.
Pete Colman